Ramblings of an Immature Brat

Monday, June 16, 2008

I got this stupid chain mail...

And it told us to boycott PETRONAS so that it might lower their oil prices.
Hello, that's not gonna solve anything, just making it worse. Whoever made that chain mail is definitely not Malaysian. I wonder if the person who gave me the chain mail knows that PETRONAS has been subsidizing our oil for quite a while? Did she know that people from Thailand actually smuggle our oil out? She definitely didn't read today's newspaper.

I know that everyone has been complaining about oil prices and that prices for everything else has increased too. Ugh, but this is definitely not a solution.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is just my piece of mind >:C


On a side note : I've been offered a seat for IMU. Now waiting for my UPU results. Please please please let me get into local univesity. If it's UM, that'll be greater still >o<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.