Ramblings of an Immature Brat

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ugh, some poeple....

Just as soon as I got back someone wanted to borrow my printer to print a few coloured pages for her TITAS project. I didn't even unpacked yet. HELLO, there's a computer lab where you can actually print stuff there. Yeah yeah, I know they don't offer coloured pages, but you can make those pie charts in black and white. Ugh, so unimaginative *rolls eyes*. Just because I'm the only one in the block that has a printer doesn't mean you can abuse that priviledge.... *sigh* I feel like leaving that darn printer back at the BU house...

[Heck, she even asked me for the printer last Friday. I told her I left the wires at home... I thought she was smart enough to actually move her ass to the computer lab then. Mana tau on Sunday suddenly she comes knocking on my door. And guess what, she has to pass it up tomorrow D:]

Yes, I know I'm selfish. But the ink cartridges for that printer are expensive.... for me that is. Plus I'm a cheapo D: AND WE WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE. If you're a roommate or a close friend, I wouldn't mind printing for free D:

Someone please teach me how to refuse without telling them I'm a selfish bitch?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u too kind lar
though u admit that ur`re selfish
(no comment for that)

so pe jd?
did u let her use ur printer?
or u just kick her ass back out?