Ramblings of an Immature Brat

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trouble in UM...

Security has gotten tighter in UM lately. Students from the 1st-3rd years are not allowed to bring their cars into campus. They can only go through the Damansara (PJ) gate all the way till 10th college. Anywhere further than that, you'll be stopped by the guard and asked to turn around or be asked for your identification. It really shocked me when I was stopped the first time in campus. I was following a friend to drive around campus in her car, but when we passed 10th college (near the komplex sukan area there), guards asked us to stop and asked for our identification. I was just eating dinner before the short trip, so the only things I had with me were my Kad Makan and my room keys. My friend didn't even bring her driving license (although I did asked her if she brought one before she left, but she told me 'ronda-ronda campus je. Takyah guna lesen). Who knew, kena tahan pulak. So the conclusion here : always bring your driving licence whenever you wanna drive.

Anyway, back to the point. UM has been doing something to curb the congestion in campus. Seriously, after the guards appearing, there has been less trafic around my faculty. The number of people double, triple parking has been reduced. Greatly. But the are a few problems that arise from this matter. Students who were alrady bringing cars (those from asasi, 1st, 2nd and 3rd years) couldn't bring their cars in campus. Or else they'll be fined RM50. My friend got it already. Fortunately for me, I don't have a car with me at the moment because it was sent for repairs. Talk about timing!

But UM's (or can I say, the VCs?) decision is not a win-win situation. Maybe after a while the commotion might die down. Or maybe people wouldn't care much if they have cars or not in campus. Or people will still complain and complain and complain, but not giving any suggestions or any form of help to better the situation. But for the moment, I'll just wait and see what'll happen... and I'll be car-less for the moment!

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